BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:AddEvent BEGIN:VEVENT UID:55e62f5c3ae64 DTSTAMP;TZID=UTC:20230605T034136 DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220820T160000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220820T210000Z LOCATION:Bader Field SUMMARY:Drive Your Dreams Car Show (Atlantic City) DESCRIPTION:THIRD stop of 2022, Atlantic City!!! \n \nOne of the biggest Car Shows of the year is coming to Atlantic City!!! Celebrity Cars, Exotic cars, old-school cars, amusement rides, carnival games, monster trucks, food trucks and so much more… NASCAR, Jumpees… Family Fun!!! \n \n \n***Important message- Please understand we have a NO REFUND policy. Be sure you want to purchase a ticket as an attendee, vendor, or enter your vehicle before purchasing. We have to follow the same policy when dealing with venues, vendors, etc. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to you being apart of DJ Envy’s Drive Your Dreams Car Show. Thank you!!*** END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR