BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:AddEvent BEGIN:VEVENT UID:55e62f5c3ae64 DTSTAMP;TZID=UTC:20240430T094220 DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220716T173000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220716T213000Z LOCATION:Anita Dee Yacht Charters SUMMARY:Ready or Yacht Summertime Chi Finale DESCRIPTION: \n \n \n \nDon't miss the biggest yacht party of the summer. The Ready or Yacht Summer Finale.If you partied with us Juneteenth and MDW you already know the vibes. Get read for the Ready or Yacht and get your tickets before we sell out. Tickets sold exclusively through the premiere ticketing platform for the culture \nBoarding: 12:00PM \nSail 1pm-4:30pm or as soon as we board. \nIf you've been to our Ready or Yacht series then you already know it's about to go down! Boarding starts at 12:00 pm and we sail at 1. See you soon! \nNo refunds. All sales are final. \nFAQ: \n \nWhat is the dress code? There is a semi-casual dress code. No athletic were, no jogging pants and no facial tattoos or gang representation \nCan I bring my own food/drink on the boat? Absolutely no outside food or beverage may be brought on the boat. \n \n \nWhat do I need to bring to get on the boat? Your printed or emailed ticket from Eventnoire and a valid ID. All guests must Be 21+. \nHow do I get to the boat? Please see below for a map and a detailed list of directions. \n \nDIRECTIONS \nThe Anita Dee is docked at DuSable Harbor on the South side of the Chicago River at Lake Shore Drive. \n** Since the Harbor has no real physical address, GPS and online directions are unreliable. Use the maps along with the directions below to get to the boat! \n \n \n NO PARKING AT DUSABLE HARBOR \nWe recommend ubering the parking lot is not available. \nFROM THE WEST \n \nHead east toward the lake on Lower Randolph Street from Michigan Ave. or Columbus Drive. (If coming from Michigan Ave., stay to the left to access lower Randolph St., do not go to the upper level!) \nTake Randolph Street all the way to the last stop light before the lake and turn left. (Do not enter cul-de-sac) \nImmediately after you turn, merge left to ramp leading down to parking lot. \nAt bottom of ramp, take ticket at the gate (pay upon exit) then drive straight to the end of the lot. \nPark, walk out of opening on the right/east side of the lot. Both yachts will be to your left on the River. \n \nFrom the North Via Lake Shore Drive \n \nTake Randolph St. exit off of Lake Shore Drive. \nTurn left at bottom of Randolph St. exit ramp. \nTurn left at second light (Do not enter cul-de-sac). \nImmediately after you turn, merge left to ramp leading down to parking lot. \nAt bottom of ramp, take ticket at the gate (pay upon exit) then drive straight to the end of the lot. \nPark, walk out of opening on the right/east side of the lot. Both yachts will be to your left on the River. \n \nFrom the South Via Lake Shore Drive \n \nExit to Randolph/Wacker Dr. off of Lake Shore Drive. Stay in middle lane of ramp. \nAt bottom of ramp, proceed straight beyond traffic light. \nMerge left to ramp leading down to parking lot. \nAt bottom of ramp, take ticket at the gate (pay upon exit) then drive straight to the end of the lot. \nPark, walk out of opening on the right/east side of the lot. Both yachts will be to your left on the River . \n \n \nDropped Off \n \nIf getting dropped off by taxi, instead of telling the driver an address, tell them to drop off where lower Randolph Street meets the lakefront, DuSable Harbor, or Columbia Yacht Club. \nLower Randolph Street, east to the lakefront. Drop off at DuSable Harbor cul-de-sac \nWalk down to the lake front path and turn left/walk north along the lakefront. \nOur yachts will be straight ahead at the end of the lakefront path where it ends at the Chicago River. \nTaxis can also go inside to the end of the DuSable Harbor Parking Lot which is closer (directions above in ‘Driving’). If they’re there for less than 15 mins, there is no charge. \n \nWalking From the Loop \n \nTake any stairway down to the Riverwalk on the south side of the Chicago River. \nWalk east toward the lake (From Michigan Ave. Bridge- 10 min walk) \nThe south side of the Riverwalk ends at our boats just east of the Lake Shore Drive Bridge \n \nFrom Navy Pier \n \nWalk west on Illinois to Lower Lake Shore Drive, the first street on your left. \nCross Lower Lake Shore Drive to the west side of the street and turn left. \nOnce you cross over the Chicago River, look for the staircase on your right to walk down to Riverwalk \nTurn left to go through tunnel on Riverwalk \nOnce you exit tunnel, you’ll see both yachts to your left on the River. \n \nFrom Millennium Park \n \nHead east on Monroe and cross over to the east side of Lake Shore Drive. \nTurn left or walk north on the lakefront path. \nOnce you pass Columbia Yacht Club, keep walking north for 4-5 mins- Path ends at Chicago River and our Yachts. \n \nWe hope you can join us! \n \n \n \n \n \n END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR