Aqua Bliss: A Somatic Sanctuary For ALL Humans
Edgewater Athletic Club, Illinois
This is a trauma informed and BIPOC/LGBTQIA+ supportive, sanctuary.
This is a trauma informed and BIPOC/LGBTQIA+ supportive, sanctuary.
A Clothing Optional Body Re-Set for Humans with a Body
We invite you to join us in a deep dive aquatic celebration of Diversity=Consent and heart-forward and mutually supportive community.
Join us in an intentional, warm water container where presence to Self is at the forefront all in a space of zero gravity & Quantum Love in Care.
What To Expect:
- A Clothing Optional Experience within a Respectful, Consent Focused and Mutually Supportive Community. Participants are welcome to add or remove clothing at any time to further their own somatic relationship with themselves. -- Sometimes what may be life changing is the experience of feeling comfortable within your own skin - whether nude or clothed. Some folks may be in a state of bliss and celebration. Some may feel very tender, or may be grieving. Or working very hard to let go of limiting beliefs about worthiness, lovability, or something else. Whatever your reason for joining this community, we welcome you to in a spirit of Inclusion, Consent, and Mutual Respect.
- -A deep dive into various aquatic practices like aquatic dance and aquatic massage all focused on partner(s) connection
- -Land and water techniques that focus on embodiment, authenticity and presence to deepen your heart connection
- -An Afternoon/Evening with your new aquatic family finishing with a share ‘pot luck’ style meal
- -Space for your nervous system to land knowing you are welcome and celebrated in your authenticity exactly as you are
What You Get:
- A respectful, Supportive Community focused on Consent and Mutual Support.
- -Mindful instruction on water techniques
- -An afternoon/evening of practice and play with a community + -A space to Sauna (Quiet Zone)
- -Trauma Informed Somatic connection teachings
- Great Music
- Massage
- -Your own nose clip to take home
- -Aquatic dance teachings
- -Aquatic massage teachings
- -Embodiment practices
- -Breath work-techniques
- -Impactful somatic consent and boundary work
- -Grounding exercises
- -Nervous system regulation
- -Become part of our aquatic community
How Do I Know If This Is For Me?
You don't have to be Black, or Brown or Queer -- You just have to be respectful! All Are Welcome!
- – You are feeling the call to deeper embodiment
- – You want a container to explore your authentic Self in movement
- – You value consent and boundaries and the co-creation of community
- – You love to move your body and re-discover new somatic and emotional pathways towards a deeper and more open you or you want to begin such a practice
- – You want to hone in your somatic attunement with Self and others
- – You want to let sh*t go (Let some stress go)
- – You want to get out of your head and into your body
- – You want to re-set yourself as you reconnect with inspiration, purpose and Magik
Aquatic Alchemy is an opportunity to dive deep into our patterns and beliefs. For some people Aquatic Alchemy will be a fun relaxing journey. For others, it may be a triggering environment. Whatever you are feeling, please respect that not everyone feels the way you do. People may get triggered and you may witness them feeling sad, angry, upset or tender. Others may feel elated, blissful, happy or joyful. Other people’s feelings are NOT something you should judge nor solve.
Aquatic Alchemy workshops are best experienced sober and present. Out of respect for other participants, please show up to workshops fully present. If a presenter feels that you are unable to partake in the workshop due to inebriation, they may ask you to leave the workshop. Illegal substances are, quite simply, illegal.
We celebrate healthy sexuality, yet request that this space be free of explicit sexual energy. Note that sexual activity will NOT be permitted in any of the public areas, including the pool and workshop areas.
You have the opportunity, if you so choose, to explore the feeling of being without clothes at the POOL AREA ONLY. Clothing is required in all other public areas including the workshops. Always sit on a towel or piece of clothing you own when sitting on any furniture.
We would like to create an environment at Aquatic Alchemy where people feel safe to share and open up. Therefore, when outside of a workshop (and definitely when outside of Body Bliss Events), please do NOT share other people’s stories or actions. Feel free to share your own personal experience, not anyone else’s.
Everyone is invited to explore Radical Connection at their own pace. Don't assume that people are open to engage in any activity (hugging, doing a workshop exercise), just because you are. Also remember, external behaviors may not always indicate what someone is open to. The only way to know is to simply ASK them before acting. Example: “May I share a hug with you?” If the answer is “yes”, go for it. If the answer is “no”, kindly say “Thanks for being honest!”. Remember, it is quite hard for most people to say “no”. Appreciate them for it!
Every person is responsible for stating their own boundaries, and respecting others’. “No” means “no”. “Maybe” means “no”. Only “Yes” means “yes”.
You are implicitly responsible for yourself and your actions. Any behaviour that conflicts with the Aquatic Alchemy Community Guidelines may result in removal from the venue without refund.
1040 W Granville Ave Sovereign', Entrance from Kenmore Adjacent to Loyola University Lakeshore Campus, Chicago, IL 60660
Illinois 60660