Student must be in grades 4 - 12
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All tickets are non refundable. Parents/guardians are encouraged to stay for the workshop (seating will be available).
Tickets are only required for students. Parents/guardians should not purchase tickets for themselves.
All tickets are non-refundable.
In the event that you cannot make it, please send an email to [email protected] and your ticket will be donated to another student.
Student must be in grades 4 - 12.
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Please review the general terms of Refund Protection very carefully below.
Second Saturday is a design workshop led by Taylor Staten, Design Principal of TnS Studio, that will introduce students to architecture, architectural drawings, and problem solving with design.
In this session, we will learn about floor plans. By the end of the workshop, the students will both understand how to decipher a floor plan and be able to draw a simple one-room floor plan.
Lunch will be provided.