ABOUT THE SPACE: Juiced UP INC. is a fresh-pressed juice company specializing in beverages that make life better! Owner Georgette Reynolds is also a Yogi, Public Speaker, and Censory Wellness Advocate.
ABOUT SHUT UP & LISTEN: SUAL is a new take on grown folks' talk. We will use indigenous and cultural safe spaces to address current events and relevant topics with communities all over the world.
Mac West (Mr. Fly I AM) is the owner of flyiam.com, an Independent Artist, Poet, and Aspiring Fitness Trainer. Follow him on social: @macwest_fia
Triece The Edutainer (Natriece Spicer) is a Business Consultant, Poet, Author, and Host. Follow her on social: @natriece.spicer
1066 Ralph David Abernathy Boulevard
Atlanta, GA 30310