FREE Tik Tok 101 Class For Event Curators With Ashley Renee (600K TikTok Followers)
Online, Chicago, IL
Ashley Renee is a digital content creator and keto food blogger with a decade-long experience in social media management. Her entrepreneurial journey began in 2020 when she went on the ketogenic diet and shared pictures of her delicious meals on Facebook. People loved her yummy content and so in January 2021 she decided to start filming cooking TikTok videos with her phone. Eventually, this led to TikTok stardom with a following of over 611K+ and an Instagram food blog called Messy Eats with a following of 522K, and growing.
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Topic: Eventnoire Tik Tok 101 Class
Time: Aug 29, 2022 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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