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“Count Rob’s Legacy: The Mighty Ruler Sound System”

In this captivating 30-minute documentary, we delve into the remarkable discovery of the historic Mighty Ruler Sound System, meticulously crafted by the late Count Rob. During the vibrant 1960s and 1970s, this iconic sound system took center stage at dances across London, leaving an indelible mark on the city’s music scene.

But this documentary goes beyond nostalgia; it uncovers the hidden threads that tie the Mighty Ruler Sound System to the heart of Hackney, the dynamic London Borough. From the bustling streets of Dalston Lane to the electric energy of Hackney’s dance floors, we explore the system’s special connection to this vibrant community.

Join us as we celebrate the legacy of Count Rob, the engineers who revived the Mighty Ruler Sound System, and the enduring spirit of Hackney. Through interviews and archival footage, we honor the past while embracing the future.

This project, funded by the Hackney Council’s Windrush Microgrant Scheme, will deliver a 30-minute documentary followed by a short focus group discussion at the Hackney Archives.

The documentary centres around the salvage, restoration, and amalgamation of engineers from three major sound systems, including Hackney’s Soca Sagaboys. These engineers pooled their resources and expertise to restore The Mighty Ruler Sound System (TMRSS) to working order. Remarkably, they are now breaking further barriers by touring the TMRSS across the UK and internationally, continuing the legacy that the late owner, Count Rob, began.

TMRSS has additional unique narratives that connect it back to Hackney. For instance:

The late Len Dyke, one of the founders of Dyke, Dryden and Wade (the first black hair care millionaires who sold their products at Dalston Market), cut a record specifically for the Mighty Ruler Sound System.

Count Rob himself purchased many of the components for the sound system from Hackney’s very own HyTec Electronics in Dalston Lane.
You’re invited to be part of this sound system’s documented history by shaping the final edit of the short film through your feedback during the focus group after the screening.


Special thanks to the collaborators of this project - 

The Hackney Archives are based on the 2nd floor of the CLR James Library, Dalston Square, London E8 3BQ

Follow the Hackney Archives on Instagram- archiveshackney / Facebook – hackneyarchives

R Consultancy / Soca Sagaboys

Follow me on Instagram - inforconsultancy1 and socasagaboys

Facebook - grenada cocoabutter / R Consultancy Carnivals

Website -  

Email – [email protected] 

PASSA Productions

Email [email protected]

Instagram – themightyrulersoundsystem 

Minute Business Videos

Email - [email protected]

Instagram - minutebusinessvideos 

Youtube - Vitaly Bender

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